One hundred years ago on of the bloodiest battles in history occurred at a site that today is one of the most peaceful scenes on the American landscape. This place is called SHILOH a Biblical name meaning "PLACE OF PEACE". Shiloh National Military Park is located at Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River. This 3500 acre historical park is 22 miles north of Corinth Mississippi and about 100 miles east of Memphis Tennessee. Here the first major battle of the western campaigns of the War Between the States took place. This two-day battle rates as one of the hardest fought and costliest battles in history. Both sided can be prod of the courage displayed by their young inexperienced troops. For many this was their first big battle. The outcome of this battle was important to both sides in the following course of the war. Today this historic battlefield is a shrine to our forefathers who bravely fought and died there for principles they believed right. The field is well marked with monuments, markers, cannons, and plaques so the visitor can follow the action which took place.
The Shiloh Military Trail is planned for hikers, especially youth groups such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, to learn about the history of our nation and at the same time to enjoy an interesting outdoor hiking experience. This educational historic hiking trail program was started in 1960.
1. Read the booklet "Shiloh" by Albert Dillahunty. This book may be ordered from the Shiloh Military Trails Inc. (SMT) Committee by mail.
2. Viewing the thirty minute color movie at the Park Museum showing the reenactment of the Battle of Shiloh.
3. Taking the completed designated hike, approximately 14 miles, through the battlefield visiting all the indicated monuments and markers.
4. Filling out the correct answers on the credential card for the questions about the special points of interest while observing them.
5. Minimum age for SMT #1 hike and other hikes is 11 years old except for the two TREKS.
It is recommended that units hike the trail in patrol size groups of 5 top 10 hikers.
Each group will then need:
trail map and routing instruction sheet
Credential card to record answers
The trail must be hiked during daylight hours. No hiking is permitted after dark. The National Cemetery is closed to visitors at sundown.
A. All hikers must be under the supervision of a responsible adult leader at all times while in Shiloh National Military Park. Scout groups should wear uniforms.
B. Hike Safely, be especially careful when hiking along or crossing roads.
C. Do not leave any litter along the way. Be a good example for other park visitors. It is recommended that hikers do a good turn by picking up any litter observed on the route and placing it in trash cans located throughout the park.
D. Be courteous, orderly, and most cooperative when visiting indoor areas such as the Visitors Center, Ed Shaw's Restaurants, the Park Book Store, ETC.
An Attractive Shiloh Battlefield Trek patch, (pictured) about 3 1/2 inches diameter and fully embroider in for colors, is available.
Also, a small blue and gold lapel pin (about 1/2" diameter) or similar charm bracelet pendant is available.
Purchase of any trek awards is optional.
The Shiloh Military Trail begins at the intersection of Tennessee State Highway #22 and #142. In this area the Confederate Army of the Mississippi under the command of General Albert Sidney Johnston bivouacked on Saturday night, April 5, 1862. The Union Army of Tennessee under the command of General U.S. Grant was camped just a short distance away. Grants Army did not suspect the Confederate troops were nearby and planning an attack. The camps of five divisions were scattered and were not in a defensive position. The location of the headquarters for each division is now marked with a pyramid of cannonballs and shown on your map.
You are to start hiking north along Old Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road pass through the former south entrance of the Park and a half-mile from the start you will reach Reconnoitering Road. At this road turn left into the woods and follow a foot trail west a short distance to see (A) Fraley field. Here in this field this first shots of this great battle were fired at 4:05 AM Sunday morning, April 6, 1862. The Union reconnoitering party sent out early that morning was from the 1st Brigade of Prentiss' 6th Division and consisted of three companies of 25th Missouri Infantry. WHAT WERE THE NAMES OF THESE THREE COMPANIES?
his information will be found on a plaque at the edge of the field. From this blue plaque continue walking straight ahead (azimuth 250) for about 300 yards to reach a red plaque in Woods Field (B) telling about the Confederate troops who, while on picket duty, first exchanged fire with the Union reconnoitering part. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THIS INFANTRY BATTALION?
Return to Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road and (C) Reconnoitering Road, and go down Reconnoitering Road approximately one tenth mile, to another plaque in (D) Seay Field. This plaque marks the spot where the first officer was killed in the Battle of Shiloh. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS UNION OFFICER WHO FEEL HERE?
Return to Reconnoitering Road and continue hiking to the intersection with Peabody road. Almost straight ahead in the woods you can see (E) Peabody Mortuary Monument. WHAT IS THE TIME AND DATE OF COLONEL PEABODY'S DEATH?
The Peabody Mortuary Monument is the first of five Mortuary Monuments marking the spots where Commanding Officers fell during the Battle. You will visit each of these along the trail
Go east on Peabody Road to a fork and bear right to find (F) Gladden Mortuary Monument. Confederate General Gladden was mortally wounded on this spot. WHEN AND WHERE DID GENERAL GLADDEN DIE?
Return to the fork and go north on Eastern Corinth Road. Note the plaque on your left telling about Prentiss' 6th Division. Turn off Eastern Corinth Road onto a path on your right, which leads eastward to Prentiss Hades. (This path is just before you reach Robertson's Alabama Battery and leads past the camps of Hickenloopers's Ohio Battery and Munch's Minnesota battery before bearing ENE). A pyramid of cannonballs mark the location of General B.M. Prentiss 6th Division Hdqs. The reconnoitering party, which opened the battle, was sent out from this division. HOW MANY CANNONBALLS ARE THERE ON THE BOTTOM ROW OF ONE SIDE OF THE PYRAMID?
Follow the gravel service road leading north to reach Hamburg - Purdy Road. Hike west a short distance to reach (G) Louisiana Monument. Read the inscription on the back of this monument to learn: WHO ERECTED THIS MONUMENT?
Now hike back east down Hamburg - Purdy Road and continue to the site of (J) Battlefield Tent Hospital. A framed plaque tells about on of the world's first battlefield tent hospitals. HOW MANY SICK AND WOUNDED COULD BE ACCOMMODATED IN THIS TENT HOSPITAL?
Continue eastwards along the gravel road past the Tent Hospital site for about 0.3 miles to reach (K) Ohio Zouaves Monument. The Zouaves were a group of young infantry solders who wore colorful uniforms. See the picture when you visit the Park Museum. Twenty-three soldiers and two officers from this unit were killed at Shiloh and their names are listed on the monument. WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF THE TWO OFFICERS WHO WERE KILLED?
A LT> in Co. "C" and a Captain in Co. "F".
Hike back to Johnston Mortuary Monument (L). Observe the monument and the tree under which the Confederate Leader was found mortally wounded. General Johnston was personally directing the fighting in the Peach Orchard across the road. Go down into the ravine on your right to see the plaque marking the spot where General Johnston died. This plaque tells that his aid Governor Isham Harris of Tennessee, asked, "General are you hurt?" WHAT WAS GENERAL JOHNSTON'S REPLY?
Just as you reach Johnston Road as you leave Johnston Monument, off to your right you will see some cannons by the Illinois Battery "A" Light Artillery Monument. Note especially the cannon nearest the road. This Cannon (M) was actually used at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Fort Donelson, and other battles inscribed on the back of the barrel. Read the bronze plaque on the barrel telling of this Battery's casualties. HOW MANY HORSED DID THEY LOSE?
Continue hiking north on Hamburg - Savannah Road past (N) Peach Orchard And War Cabin on the left. This War Cabin is the only structure on the Battlefield today, which was standing at the time of the Battle. Note the Old Sunken Road just before you reach (P) Bloody Pond. As you will see later in the move, the Old Sunken Road played a most important role in the Battle of Shiloh.
Continue north to see the new (Q) Missouri Monument on your right. ON WHICH SIDE DID MISSOURI TROOPS FIGHT?
Then locate on your loft the Wheeler Monument and (R) Alabama Monument. On this monument you see that two Brigadier Generals commanded the Alabama units. WHAT WERE THESE TWO BRIGADIER GENERALS' NAMES?
After visiting the Alabama Monument (R) continue along Hamburg - Savannah Road past Riverside Drive to see General S.A. Hurliuts 4th Division Headquarters, which are straight ahead on your right. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE COLONEL (FROM IOWA AND WOUNDED) IN COMMAND OF THE FIRST BRIGADE?
From this monument hike east across Cloud Field to observe four camp plaques, in the field, then go east down Riverside Drive a short distance to see a fifth camp plaque. Units from three different states camped in these five areas. WHAT WERE THESE THREE STATES?
Locate the new (S) Kentucky Monument. ON WHICH SIDE DID KENTUCKY TROOPS FIGHT?
Continue around Riverside Drive to (T) Indian Mounds. Read the plaque located here telling about these Indian Mounds. Now hike east to the large Indian Mound overlooking the Tennessee River. There are steps going up the west and south sides of this mound. Return to Riverside Drive to continue the hike.
Continue along Riverside Drive, you will come to Tennessee River Bluffs. Exercise care and heed all warning signs posted along here. Along the bluffs you will see at Dill Creek an information plaque telling about two Union Gunboats (U), which shelled the Confederate camps all Sunday night. WHAT WERE THE NAMES OF THE TWO LIEUTENANTS WHO COMMANDED THE GUNBOATS TYLER AND LEXINGTON?
Continue your hike by following Riverside Drive up the hill (single file-off the road) to reach (V) Tennessee River Overlook. Then take the Nature Trail along the top of the bluff, which lead down to (W) Pittsburg Landing. Observe the plaque. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE STEAMBOAT THAT SERVED AS GENERAL GRANT'S FLOATING HEADQUARTERS?
From the landing go up the iron steps into the National Cemetery. After reaching the top, bear around to the right overlooking the river. You will come to the graves of six Wisconsin Color Bearers. Two were Sergeants. WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF THE TWO SERGEANTS?
Be sure to read the plaque inside the cemetery near the main entrance. About 3,700 soldiers are interred in this cemetery and approximately two-thirds remain unidentified. The National Cemetery is closed to visitors at sundown each day. Go past the former Shiloh Post Office Building to Park Visitors' Center and Museum. After looking through the interesting displays, see the movie, "Shiloh, Portrait Of A Battle".
Unit leader is to turn in part B of the application here.
Proceed from Visitors' Center along Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road to the 75 foot tall (Y) Iowa Monument. The Eagle atop this monument has a wingspread of 15 feet. A poem on one side of the monument tells how many men from Iowa fought here.
Behind the tall Iowa Monument is the location of General W.H.L. Wallace's Second Division Headquarters. This was the only Union Division camp not captured by Confederate troops during the first day of the battle. General C.F. Smith commanded this Division when they arrived at Shiloh.
In front of the Iowa State Monument you will see three Indiana Unit Monuments (Z). One of these is for the 51st Regiment Infantry and inscribed on it is the name of General Garfield, later President of the United States.
Continue along Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road. You will see (AA) Grants Last Line. Note the earthwork in front of the cannons. This is the only earthwork thrown up on the Battlefield. Proceeding further, the (BB) Michigan Monument is the next point of interest on the trail. Read the inscriptions. Note that Southern Cavalry charged and captured the positions of Ross Battery B, Michigan Light Artillery.
Hike southward along Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road to (CC) U.D.C. Confederate Monument. Observe, all figures on this memorial. The two on the right are a part of the Shiloh Military Trail Medal.
Read the plaque on the backside of this large monument.
From the U.D.C. Confederate Monument walk a very short distance along the road to reach a foot trail on your left leading into the woods (southeast) to the Prentiss Surrender Site (DD). Here you will see the spot where General B.M. Prentiss surrendered after holding out all day in the Hornets' Nest area.
Hike on past Eastern Corinth Road for a very short distance to see (EE) General W.H.L. Wallace Mortuary Monument. While trying to lead his men out of the Hornets Nest he was mortally wounded.
You may hike southeast through the woods from the Wallace Monument, or return to the Hornets Nest Road. Proceed southward along Hornets Nest Road to the first turnoff on you left. This is marked exit only, but hikers enter here. This leads to (FF) Wisconsin Monument. WHAT WAS THE TOTAL LOSSES OF THE 18TH WISCONSIN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY?
Farther around the circle is (GG) Center of the Hornets Nest. Here you will see a cannon shaped stone monument honoring he 5th Battery, Ohio Artillery. WHO WAS THE CAPTAIN IN COMMAND OF THIS UNIT?
Next is the (HH) Arkansas Monument. One side of this monument lists field officers from Arkansas killed in the battle. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE ONLY MAJOR LISTED?
Go south along Hornets Nest Road for a short distance to see (JJ) Putnam Stump on you left. Read the inscription on both sides.
Return northward along Hornets Nest Road to (KK) Minnesota Monument. A captain in the 1st Minnesota Battery, Light Artillery was wounded and disabled. WHAT WAS THE CAPTIONS NAME?
Hike down the (LL) Old Sunken Road to the rail fence and turn west (left) on Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road to reach (MM) Ruggles Batteries. During the battle 62 Confederate cannons were lined up here concentrating fire on the Hornets nest. Turn left along this row of cannons. COUNT THE CANNONS AS YOU HIKE PAST.... HOW MANY ARE HERE NOW?
Turn right on Hamburg - Purdy Road and hike past the Park Superintendent's Residence. Note the cannon barrel post on the porch. You will hike by three Indiana Infantry monuments on your left and soon come to (NN) Pennsylvania Monument. The 77th was the only from Pennsylvania that participated in the battle. AT WHAT TIME AND DATE DID THEY ARRIVE AT PITTSBURG LANDING?
Now proceed northwest either on Hamburg - Purdy Road or through the woods to reach (PP) Illinois Monument. On the West side of this monument are some immortal words spoken by Abraham Lincoln. On the east side, the total casualties for Illinois units at Shiloh are shown. On the north side the number of Illinois units at Shiloh are listed. WHAT IS THE TOTAL KILLED AND WOUNDED? MISSING?
Hike eastward on Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road (consult your map) and turn left, northwest, on the first road. Or go northeast from the Illinois monument across Wolf Field until you reach this road. Along this road you will pass General J.A. McClernand's 1st Division Headquarters. WHEN DID THIS DIVISION ARRIVE AND ENCAMP AT SHILOH?
Continue hiking along this road to the intersection with McClernand Road. At this intersection you will find (QQ) Ohio Monument. WHAT WAS THIS OHIO REGIMENT'S DUTIES THE FORENOON OF APRIL 6, 1862?
From the Ohio Monument hike into the woods about 500 feet on a 300 degree bearing. (This is almost in a straight-line continuation of the road, which you have just been on). Locate the (32) Confederate Burial Trench.
Follow the path back to McClernand Road and turn fight (south). Proceed to the next turnoff and of right to see (33) Confederate Burial Trench. This is the largest Burial Trench in the park and is the one shown in the movie. After observing the first Burial Trench (RR) you may hike through the woods following the line of unit monuments, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana to reach (SS) the Confederate Burial Trench. HOW MANY CANNONBALLS SURROUND THIS TRENCH?
There are five Confederate Burial Trenches in the park. The remainder of these trenches are off the trail as laid out, but are shown on your map. Your group may be interested in visiting these others. Continue around the circle - Back to McClernand Road (see map) - to (TT) Water Oaks Pond located directly across the road at this intersection. Turn right (south) and at the intersection of Hamburg - Purdy Road and Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road you will see (UU) Raith Mortuary Monument. Colonel Raith of the Union Army was mortally wounded here. WHEN AND WHERE DID HE DIE?
As you leave Raith Monument, cross and turn to your left on a path leading to General W.T. Sherman's 5th Division Headquarters. Read the plaque on the trail and proceed to the pyramid of cannon balls marking the site of Sherman's Hdqs tent. Confederate General P.T. Beauregard slept in Sherman's Hdqs Sunday night while his troops occupied this area. Near the monument is a red oval plaque describing a charge made here to cover the Confederate withdrawal from the battlefield the afternoon of the second day. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE COLONEL WHO LED THIS CHARGE?
Return to Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road and hike southward to (VV) Shiloh Church. This Church gave the battle its name. A plaque beside the Church tells that the church got the name Shiloh from the Bible.
From the Church cross the road and follow a footpath to see the (WW) Tennessee Monument. Only one person is identified as a sergeant in the inscription on the south side of the monument. WHAT IS THE SERGEANT'S NAME?
You may return to Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road and turn right (south) or hike eastward across the field to reach Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road. Hiking southward along Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road a short distance you will come to a triangular intersection with Peabody Road. A short distance to the left is Rhea Springs and Picnic Area. (not a part of the trail) Continue past the intersection to Beauregard Road. This road is almost a straight-line continuation of Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road. Here Corinth - Pittsburg Landing Road curves to the left. A short distance down Beauregard Road you will come to (XX) First Confederate Artillery Line. These cannons mark the position where Confederate artillery went into action early Sunday morning, April 6, 1862. Three southern states had batteries in this line. WHAT THREE STATES DID THESE BATTERIES REPRESENT?
Continue hiking down Beauregard Road. About 50 feet past the Beauregard Headquarters marker on your right there is a path on your left leading into Fraley Field. Take this route through Fraley Field and Woods Field to reach Ed Shaw's Shop/Cafe, located at the intersection of Tennessee #22 and #142. This is where you started, and now have finished and we hope you have enjoyed THE SHILOH MILITARY TRAIL #1.
All Rights Reserved | Shiloh Military Trails
P.O. Box 17057
Memphis, TN